My rating: 7
Some might say it was not interesting, or that is a female, but I think the film ranks on fun shortly after The Hangover trilogy and adds a serene touch in our daily lives. The amazing Cameron Diaz in the company of a bunch of beautiful friends, views, places, cars and cadres... balsam for the eyes.
In the form of revenge, although it was kind of gentle lesson, it was shown (literally, too bloody compared to above said) to the "macho" (the opposite of hussy woman) who was oblivious, living in his impossible world. Lessons are - there is justice in the world, be good, optimistic and believe in true love. Here I will open brackets (hardly for the first time until now), sharing the insight that sooner or later the miracle happens, no matter who you friends are, who your love is, etc., as it is happening to you it means that would be nice and you deserve it.
A female comedy as not common among the thousands of titles on the big screen. Measured, funny and with good humor. Have fun!
In the form of revenge, although it was kind of gentle lesson, it was shown (literally, too bloody compared to above said) to the "macho" (the opposite of hussy woman) who was oblivious, living in his impossible world. Lessons are - there is justice in the world, be good, optimistic and believe in true love. Here I will open brackets (hardly for the first time until now), sharing the insight that sooner or later the miracle happens, no matter who you friends are, who your love is, etc., as it is happening to you it means that would be nice and you deserve it.
A female comedy as not common among the thousands of titles on the big screen. Measured, funny and with good humor. Have fun!
Някой може да каже, че не е бил интересен или пък, че е женски, но според мен филма се нарежда по забавност малко след трилогията Ергенския запой и придава ведра нотка в ежедневието ни. Невероятната Камерън Диаз, в компанията на куп красиви приятелки, гледки, места, коли и кадри... балсам за очите.
Под формата на отмъщение, макар и под формата на нежен урок, бе натрит носът (буквално и прекалено кърваво на фона на гореописаните красоти) на "женкаря" (противоположността на леката жена), който се беше самозабравил и живееше в неговия си невъзможен свят. Уроците са следните - има справедливостт в света, бъдете добри, оптимисти и вярвайте в истинската любов. Тук ще отворя скоби (едва ли за първи път до сега), споделяйки прозрението, че рано или късно чудото се случва, независимо с кои приятели сте в момента, с кого е и т.н., щом се случва на вас това означава, че е хубаво и го заслужавате.
Една женска комедия, каквито не се срещат често сред хилядите заглавия на големия екран. Добре премерена, забавна и с приятен хумор. Забавлявайте се!
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