My rating: 6
I use this opportunity to conclude what I recently watched in the cinemas. I hit such recent titles in which well known actors that were presented once as heroes with extraordinary qualities, are shown as cowards and in the end they lose.
We can see it in this movie also. There were no cowards. On the contrary. But I didn't like the manner in which latest movies are shot. It is depressing, it put trust more in audio then in video. It is like the life we are living is disgusting, the city where we are living - awful, and people... they are also such.
Asian man, who wears american sneakers and driving european car, preaching ancient wisdom. Ok, you are everywhere but what does the said above exactly mean? It is not here the place also to be shared personal prognoses about asiating the world and making younger the rest elderly population of the Earth. Also sharing the view for capuchinisation that one university lecturer spoke about.
In the end, the idea was big. The last frame, not frames, showed that. We are urbanized a lot, there is high level of smog in the cities and low level of quality of the individual meaning. Old wisdom that harmonize with the peace and nature is forgotten: Going even further, we maybe will need an exit from this step situation. Seen in this way, this movie is good provocation, nostalgically looking back to the old kung fu movies and legends.
We can see it in this movie also. There were no cowards. On the contrary. But I didn't like the manner in which latest movies are shot. It is depressing, it put trust more in audio then in video. It is like the life we are living is disgusting, the city where we are living - awful, and people... they are also such.
Asian man, who wears american sneakers and driving european car, preaching ancient wisdom. Ok, you are everywhere but what does the said above exactly mean? It is not here the place also to be shared personal prognoses about asiating the world and making younger the rest elderly population of the Earth. Also sharing the view for capuchinisation that one university lecturer spoke about.
In the end, the idea was big. The last frame, not frames, showed that. We are urbanized a lot, there is high level of smog in the cities and low level of quality of the individual meaning. Old wisdom that harmonize with the peace and nature is forgotten: Going even further, we maybe will need an exit from this step situation. Seen in this way, this movie is good provocation, nostalgically looking back to the old kung fu movies and legends.
Използвам възможността, за да запиша мнението си за последните заглавия, които гледах по кината. Попаднах на заглавия, в които известни актьри със свръх-човешки качества, са показани като страхливци и в крайна сметка претърпяват загуба.
Това се вижда и в този филм. Тук страхливци нямаше. Напротив. Но не харесах начинът, по който са заснети филмите напоследък. Депресират, в тях се залага повече на аудио, отколкото на видео. Показват как, сякаш животът, който живеем е отвратителен, градът, в който живеем - ужасен, а хората.... и те.
Азиатец, който носи американски маратнонки, кара европейска кола и проповядва древна мъдрост. Добре, навсякъде сте, но какво точно означава, казаното до тук? Не е тук мястото, където да се споделят лични прогнози за азиатирането на света и подмладяването на останалата застаряваща част от света. Също и разгръщането на виждането за капучинизацията, за която говореше не отдавна един университетски преподавател.
В крайна сметка, идеята беше голяма. Последният кадър, не кадри, показа това. Урбанизирани сме, има високи нива на смог в градовере и ниски нива на качество на личен смисъл. Древната мъдрост, която е в хармония със спокойствието и природата, е забравена. Замисляайки се още, може да се наложи да търсим изход от "завареното" положение. Видян така, филмът е добра провокация, носталгично обръщаща поглед назад към старите кунг фу филми и легенди.